
自創Creepypasta的角色 Mr.R (英文)

  tv live news reports, there is a burning houses on the screen, there are firemen trying to extinguish the fire. "At 3:36 p.m. on-site, a fire broke out on XXX Mountain. Nearby residents have already arrived at a safe place to shelter" the reporter said on the screen. "There was A pair of siblings trapped inside the fire" there's a picture of a little kid came up on the screen, long curly black hair and blue eyed, white snow skin, and the reporter said. "Sad to say when the fire man found her, she was dead, but we found her sibling, she was holding him tight to her heart" the reporter look down at the paper and look up to say "the little kid is in the hospital now, sad to say he's still not waking up, the doctor is worried he won't pass tonight, thank you for watching the new, we hope you have a good evening, goodnight" the tv got turn off, a black screen with nothing.
  15 years later, a teenager with short black straight hair, a red eye and a blue eye, white snow skin, sat in a classroom and listened to the teacher's topic. his outside expressed listening and concentration, but his heart was thinking about other things. he has excellent grades and perfect athleticism. all people think he is perfect, he has a perfect life and a perfect future. this is just what other people think. because he is not 'perfect'…
  he does not like other people to look at him, just like looking at a king, he hates it……he hated that others would always expect him to be the best, he's not……everybody think he's always right, he have to be right 'all the time', but he is not……he hate all of this, he hate how people look at him, he hate everybody that expect him to be the best, but he's not the best……
  his parents abuse him and his darling sister, but that was 15 years ago, he's horrible parents die in a fire, along with his darling beautiful lovely sister……the fire that he started it……he was a murderer, he kill the one person in the whole world that he care about……his wonderful sister.
  suddenly, the bell rang, is lunchtime! a girl with brown braid hair, beautiful blue eyes , and light tan skin, walk toward him, ask him to have lunch together, usually he had lunch on the roof alone, surprisingly he say yes! and another surprise is he actually talked to her, he usually don't really like to talk to other people, but no one knew the only reason he actually talk to her is because of her eyes……those beautiful blue eyes remind him of his sister…hisdarling beautiful lovely wonderful sister……those beautiful deep blue eyes, deep at the sea…
  have lunch together, it was great, but this isn't what the girl was imagining, he keeps staring at her eyes…is a little uncomfortable, but it was very great, did that mean he likes her? if it is that's great for her, the most popular and hot guy in the school like her! the staring was a little bit weird, because it looks like he want to rip her eyes out and keep it for himself alone. lunch is over and he asked what her name is! the whole cafeteria was surprised that he asked her name! the girl answer with blush on her face. "Eva·Lily·Singer is my name" he smile gently and say goodbye to her and walk out of the cafeteria.
  "Eva·Lily·Singer…Eva·Lily·Singer…Eva·Lily·Singer" he is in his apartment, said the girl name over again and again, like is some kind of spell. he look up to a wall, a wall with a drawing of his sister, what he imagine his sister grow up will look like……a beautiful young girl, with long curly black hair with blue sky ribbons and dark blue roses as accessories, has a pair of dark blue colours eyes, white snow skin, with a perfect body shape, and wearing a blue dress.
  during his school holiday, he will go to a date with a woman who has the characteristics of his sister. In 15 years, he found a 21 year old woman who had 'his sister's' gentle hands……fucking slut, and he found a 20 year old whore who stole the beautiful legs 'of his sister'……little fucking thief, he also found an 18 year old little fucking whore who took away 'his beautiful sister's' lovely face……fucking little bitch, there is also a 20 year old bitch who gets 'his sister's' perfect body……mother fucker……he only left his sister's beautiful black curly hair and those beautiful dark blue eyes and cute little ears to look for……but today he found 'his sister's' beautiful dark blue eyes…and he will have it.everybody think he's perfect, but he isn't, without his sister, he's nothing!
  today, he is going on a date with a girl name Eva·Lily·Singer, she is wearing white top and a black skirt, but none of this is matter. the matter is those eyes is beautiful, no matter how long you stare at it, is beautiful……is perfect, the best and the perfect for his sister! after having dinner, and talking and getting along. Eva ask him what do you like about me? "your eyes" he said softly, and smile gently. she blush. good, she is a fucking dumbass.
  soon, she got drunk but not actually, he has put some 'stuff' into her drink, she's getting dizzy. he carry her out of the restaurant, avoiding any security camera, go in a back alley, disappear into the shadow……in his apartment, he put her in a chair, and tie her up, he get ready for her bloodletting, he get sleeping pill and water for her, he open her mouth and put 10 sleeping pill in her mouth, and give her some water, and he start the bloodletting.
  bloodletting required a long time, so for the time being, he will do 'some work', like delete Eva·Lily·Singer her every account in the internet, and destroy her phone, is lucky she is actually a orphan, unsurprisingly she actually don't have parent and she don't have many friends, so this will be easy.
  He doesn't really like killing, but he will do anything for his sister. anything…
  soon, he has delete a person from this world, and his sister stolen eyes is back where it belong, back to his normal life, go to school, and study…no police, and no clue to look for. just a normal day looking for his sister, soon he will have his sister again, and this time no one is taking her away from him. no one.

