
自創Creepypasta的角色 Zoey (英文)

    today is the first day of the new school year, my name is Zoey·Alison·Gillespie, I have little contact with other people when I was a little kid, and my parents mistreatment of me, so I like to talk to myself and be alone, because of these two reasons, I became a target of bullying for the classmates, I actually do not mind their bullying against me.
  I go to school with my headphones, watching the novel while listening to music, did not notice the person behind me. "Hey, Loser!" the person behind me shouted, he uses his hand to hit my head, I almost tripped, after I restore my balance, turning to see a group of people, they are laughing at me, but I ignore their laughter.
  "Hey, Loser! I'm talking to you!" the person who hit me called me again, It was a black short-haired teenager with black earrings, a pair of dark green eyes, a hand wearing four gold rings and a necklace. his name is Tyler·Edward·Howell, he is my childhood friend, but after graduating from kindergarten, he and others began to bully me.
  "Good morning, Tyler" I said to Tyler. Tyler hits my head and I touch where Tyler hits, Tyler hit me again, and people behind Tyler continued to laugh at me and say bad things about me. "Good morning, Tyler" "Go fuck yourself!" "..." "Hey, Loser, how much money do you have?" "One hundred" "Give it to me" I give all my money to Tyler, it's not like I will use the money from that person anyway. Tyler picked me up, he put me over his shoulder. "Don't move! Come with me to buy cigarettes." Tyler whispered to me, but I can hear the people behind me and Tyler say. "Tyler totally is going to take him to the back alley to beat him!" "Yes yes, he will get what he deserves!" "a bloody nose, I hope!" "I was thinking more of broken legs" "I hope at least Tyler broke his bone"
  Tyler took me and walked to the front of a convenience store. "You sit here and wait for me" He put me in front of the convenience store,  I ignored him, I looked at the park in the distance. a park? when I was a little kid, i never go there before. I sit on the ground, remembering my childhood memories most of the time I was getting abused by my parents and locked down stair, the happiest memories probably is with Tyler and the other together in kindergarten, right? "We can go! Of course if you want..." the voice in my head began to speak again. "Zo! Are we going to play?" when I was 4 years old, the doctor said that because my parents had locked me in the basement for many times and I was beaten every time close to death, for this reason I have split my personality. 
  "Zo? Are you listening?" I called him Jackson, I name the voice in my head, they will appear in my dreams, and talk to me. "Z, you don't have to deal with the Jackson idiot" this is Jeffrey, there is another called Jonathan. they are very annoying, they are both annoying,  they are all annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying! ! ! ! …………they………finally stop……
  my phone suddenly sounded and I opened the phone. the name "Tasha" was displayed on the phone screen. I hate her, I sigh and answer the phone. "Your teacher said you didn't go to school! Where are you?!" a very violent woman yelled from the phone. "Do you even know tuition is expensive?" the woman shouted again. "Forget it! Tonight you do not want to go home! There are guests, I do not want them to see you! In short, you better not come back tonight!" the phone shows the end of the call. I hate her, I hate men who sleep with her. forget it, hate them is useless. the real question is where do I sleep tonight? I can't sleep in the school tonight, because I skip school today with Tyler……fuck.
  suddenly, there is a hand on my shoulder, I turn around, to see a strange man, he have different colour eyes, one red and one blue, he was dressed in a dark blue suit...he smiled at me, I pushed his arm off my shoulder. and I stand-up, he is taller than me……correction, he is too tall! he must not be an normal human. his smile is strange. should I leave here? but I should be here waiting for Ty...…what should i do?
  "Hello, little kids, do you want to eat candy?" "...…What?" "My little friend, do you want candy?" WTF, what is wrong with this person? "Thank you, but no." "You're welcome. My name is Mr.R. I actually want to ask if you know Adrianna." Adrianna? the princess in my school, with long curly black hair, did he know her? "I know who she is. What is it?" "Are you a friend of her?" "No, she is not my friend" at least she used to be, just not now. "Is it a friend from long time ago?" "...…yes" "Okay, thank you for your help, goodbye now" he gave me a candy. "...…Good-bye, Mr.R." "I believe we will meet again soon." he walked away, strange person. what kind of cigarettes is Ty buying, for so long? if wait any longer will be sunset.
  "Hey, it isn't this our school's geek Zoey·Allison·Gillespie!" a group of people passing by, and saying, they probably is the student that study in my school. fuck! they're walking to me. "Hey! Freak, do you know what's fun?" "……" "don't know?" "……" "We going teach you what's is fun" one of them hit my face hard, I fell to the ground, there was blood dripping from my face……head hurts. they laughed at me because I'm weak, they continued to punch and kick me, and my head was hurts...…can't hear what they were talking about…...they put me in the car……head is dizzy……where are we going…Lots of blood…head hurts……annoying…the voice in my head began again…speak… "I can help you, Zoey" Jackson? …Jeffrey? …Jonathan? ……is not them…… "I can help you, Zoey" …go away……the car stopped…the door opened……they took me out of the car…a forest? …mountain……they took me to…we are on the top of the cliff…… "I can help you, Zoey" head hurts……It's so annoying…one of them is using a hand…lift me up with my neck……no air…no power to resist "I can help you, Zoey" …I'm on the edge of the cliff…They're laughing……Is this fun? … "I can help you, Zoey" …He let go…I went down……shouted……girl screamed…soon……my back and the ground touched…I coughed and bleeding……it hurts…
  "I can help you, Zoey"
  tired…I want to sleep…I want to play with Tyler and the others again……together forever… "Haha...HahAhA...haHaHA...HahaHaHAHaHAHA...HahAhAHahAhA...HahahaHaHA...HahaHaha" forever and forever and forever and forever and forever and forever and forever and forever……play together……
  "I can help you, Zoey"
  "36 students from XXX University Mysterious disappearance, this morning at 2:40 a.m. , climber on the way to the mountain on the edge of the cliff, found blood stains and a bloody knife, climber call the Police. When the police officer came, the climber is lay on the ground, no breath, discovered dead. when Police officers investigated the situation nearby, they discovered that, there are 36 bodies in the cliff, All bodies have knife marks and blood stains on their bodies. Police investigate the fingerprints on the dead bodies and on the weapons, Discovered DNA shows fingerprints belonging to Zoey·Alison·Gillespie who mysteriously disappeared three days ago……" the tv was turned off.
  "HahAhA…HahaHaha…let's play together……forever"



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